Film / video production

From concept to screen, I am dedicated to helping your ideas be braught to life. If that's a corporate video for your company or a stylized shoot that needs creative planning. Either way, I offer many services on my own which include:

event videography

production filmmaking

Camera Operating

Post Color & Editing

On-Spot Interviews

With a more substantial budget, I'm on board with any creative shoots such as short films, documentaries, commericals and music videos. Don't worry though, I know we're not in Hollywood! I support lower costs. This could include:

This package is suitable for anything in the corporate word, weddings, restaurant space, scoial media, real estate, etc.

A Quality Crew

Production Design & Planning

Cinematic Setups

Sure, I have a kit fee, but the most important thing is conversation. So before any quote is mentioned, we can talk about what you need.